Alphabet Review

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Revision as of 08:37, 16 May 2011 by (Talk) (Group Size)

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Wow! Great thnkiing! JK


Set Up

This activity can be done on a whiteboard, chalk board, big piece of paper, using post-it notes, or if your participants have computers and internet access, set up a shared Google spreadsheet by copying this template (free)


This is to be used at the end of a long class or training that has covered many terms and concepts. Have team members recall as many concepts or phrases as they can for each letter of the alphabet to create a shared glossary. e.g. in a class on Google AdWords - participants might recall K=Keywords, Q=Quality Score, L=Landing Page Quality, etc. Depending on the group size and nature of the group, you can have people work together collaboratively on a whiteboard/chalkboard or a shared Google spreadsheet or they can work individually and share at the end.


What a joy to find smooene else who thinks this way.