
Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces

2 bytes added, 16:18, 26 June 2019
* Identify the goal you want the team to work towards - e.g. highlighting current challenges fitting teams face in working together, or
* Introduce the activity - goal is to put pieces together
* give Give people time to work on it (varies depending on complexity)* facilitate Facilitate discussion about how this relates to what the group is doing in real life (i.e. how group is working together)ff
* how How is this similar to what we are trying to do as a team?* how How is this different?* so Did you collaborate with the other Teams? Why or why not? How did that help or hinder your progess?* What are the implications back on the job?* So what? what do we want to take away from this?
* pass Pass out the puzzles in advance and have teams draw their vision of success on them
* [ Kelbaugh Communications Puzzle Activity]
* [ BusinessBalls Jigsaw Puzzle]
* [ Chocolate Teamwork Puzzle Pieces]