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139 bytes added, 01:14, 6 October 2010
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1. Find a partner.
<p>2. Make a two step handshake (examples of steps: handshake, pound it, high five, snap, be creative).</p><p>3. Practice, make sure both partners know the steps and can teach it to someone else.</p><p>4. Find a new partner (both people).</p><p>5. Show each other previously learned handshake steps.</p><p>6. With new partner collaborate to decide which of the two handshakes to build on.</p><p>7. Work with new partner (from step 4) to add two new handshake steps to previously chosen handshake (from step 6).</p><p>8. Practice, make sure both partners know all 4 steps and can teach it to someone else.</p><p>9. Repeat steps 4 through 7.</p><p>10. Make sure both partners know all 6 steps to the handshake and can perform it for the whole group.</p><p>11. Have each final pair demonstrate their final 6 step handshake for the entire group.</p><p>12. Once every pair has performed have each group member vote (by raising hands) for the most creative final handshake.</p>
Questions to ask the entire group:
<p>1. What do you think the purpose of the activity was?</p><p>2. What did you learn in this activity about yourself?</p><p>3. What did you learn about other group members?</p><p>4. How can what we learned in this activity help us work as a team?</p>
-For shorter version skip step 9, create a 4 step handshake with two partners.
<p>-For longer version find a fourth partner to create an 8 step handshake.</p><p>-For more enthusiasm vote for most creative handshake, step 12, by volume of cheering.</p>

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