How to Add a Page
Thank you for helping us build! The more activities you add, the larger and more useful this database will be!
Adding an activity to is easy!
First, click on the "edit" tab. At the top of the screen, you'll see:
*[[How to Add a Page]] *[[Stand Up Sit Down]]
Write this underneath the last item on the list:
*[[name of the activity you'd like to add]]
Then hit "Save Page" at the bottom of the screen. After you save your information, it will take you to the preview of the page and out of edit mode. Make sure you wait until this happens or else your information will be lost!
When you return to the main page, you'll see your item listed at the bottom of the list. Click on it and start typing!
To keep our pages consistent, please makes sure you use this format:
- =Group Size=
- =Materials=
- =Good For=
- =Directions=
You can type in the appropriate information after each header. We put an "equal" sign before and after each heading so they stand out.
You can hit "show preview" at the bottom of the page to get a look at what your final version will look like.
And don't forget to "save page"!!
THANK YOU for contributing to!