
Captain's Coming!

992 bytes added, 03:52, 21 July 2008
* Life Boat: Four players sit on ground in a line and pretend to row a boat.
* Chow Time: Five players sit in a circle and pretend to eat.
**Another version of this is called "Ships and Sailors".
The rules are mostly the same except different group names and such.
* Captain's Coming!: the same as above.
* Man Overboard: 2 players. One person gets down on all fours and the other puts on foot on their back and pretends to search for someone.
* Bunk Beds: 2 players. One person lays back down on the ground and holds up their arms. Second person puts their head by the other persons feet and uses their hands to support themselves. The first person grabs their legs and holds them up.
* 3 men rowing: 3 players. Get in a line and pretend to row a boat while singing "row row row your boat".
* 4 men pointing north: 4 players. All get into a circle and point up.
* 5 men eating: 5 players. Get in a circle and pretend to eat.
* Sea Sick: 1 player. Pretend to throw up.
* Beached Whale: 1 player. Lays on the ground while acting like a beached whale and making weird sounds.
* Ships: Run to the left.
* Sailors: Run to the right.
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