Hero-Shambo: Paper Rock Scissors with a twist
Learning new names Building a team atmosphere without feeling loss over losing a game Keeps eliminated individuals actively involved Name Games | Icebreakers/Warmups
Group Size
None needed
Set Up
Set up is the same as paper rock scissors (aka roshambo)
Have everyone pair up and get ready for a good match of paper rock scissors; specify single elimination or best of 3 (depending on time alloted) Here's the catch: The loser becomes the victors most ardent cheerleader. If Frank beats Charlie, Charlie follows Frank around for the following rounds cheering his name - "GO FRANK, GO FRANK! FRANK FRANK FRANK!" Every time you win, you also win over that individual's cheerleaders. In other words, say you have won a few rounds and you have 5 cheerleaders following you around chanting your name...but then you lose -- then you cheer on the person who beat you; and your cheerleaders do the same.
Very true! Makes a chngae to see someone spell it out like that. :)
Creative alternatives are welcome!