
Giving as a Team - for the holiday season

107 bytes added, 00:32, 5 December 2013
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One holiday giving activity that is now common: '''Adopt a Family:''' Facilitated by a charitable agency, a team receives general information about a family. Each team member provides appropriate gifts or donates funds for a representative to do the shopping. In one version, tags in a display give the age and ideas about each family member's needs or wishes. Team members select tags and replace them with appropriate gifts. (Often, the tags are decorating a Christmas tree and the gifts are then arranged under it. Alternative symbols and decorations can be more universal and inclusive, for instance a flower garden display, with each flower an adult or child in the family.) The team may enjoy getting together to wrap the gifts. Usually, the identity of the family is not revealed, and contact and delivery are managed by the agency.
After the holidays have raised spirit of giving, a team can keep the momentum going around the seasonsin each season. Here's one year-round model, for : A work team identified a neighborhood in which residents want such help: would welcome a supportive. Before the holidays, the team provides provided supplies and instructions to pot houseplants together- for the residents to keep, or for them to use as gifts to others. In the spring, the team plants organized the planting of a community garden with the residents. In the summer, the team offers offered a lawn weed-in and watermelon event. And the team throws threw a leaf-raking and popcorn-eating party in the fall. As a bonus, in March, the team helps helped organize emergency preparedness for the neighborhood.
The team that gives together . . .   === Philanthropy means "love of humanity."What a splendid way for a team to celebrate holidays!