
Revision as of 00:09, 1 March 2020 by Zacharycook505-104668625857976836193 (Talk | contribs) (Convert template usage)

Revision as of 00:09, 1 March 2020 by Zacharycook505-104668625857976836193 (Talk | contribs) (Convert template usage)

Units of measurement usage on Wikivoyage

Format and conventions used for units can be found at Wikivoyage:Measurements.

To ensure units are displayed correctly, the simplified individual template should be used.

The Convert template can be used in cases where standard format is not optimum.

Simplified unit of measurement templates

Convert template usage

Template {{convert}} calculates measurements from one unit (you can enter) to another one, and then presents the results. For example:

{{convert|2|km|mi}} → 2 kilometers (1 mi)
{{convert|7|mi|km}} → 7 kilometers (4 mi)

Multiple formatting and calculation options are listed below.

Unit name or symbol (abbreviation): 1 pound or 1 lb?

By default, the first value shows unit name, the second the symbols (= abbreviation). Use |abbr=on/off to change this behaviour:

{{convert|1|lb|kg}} → 1  (Expression error: Missing operand for *. ) (To compare; default: first value shows unit name)
{{convert|1|lb|kg|abbr=on}} → 1  (Expression error: Missing operand for *. )
{{convert|1|lb|kg|abbr=off}} → 1  (Expression error: Missing operand for *. )
  • |abbr=in toggles the default behaviour (|abbr=out):
{{convert|1|lb|kg|abbr=in}} → 1  (Expression error: Missing operand for *. )

Adjective: a 10-mile distance

Use |adj=on to produce the adjective form. The difference:

{{convert|10|mi|km}} to go → 10 miles (16.09344 km) to go. (To compare, default)
A {{convert|10|mi|km|adj=on}} distance → A 10 miles (16.09344 km) distance. (Adjective form)

Rounding: 100 ft is 30 m or 30.5 m or 30.48 m?

In detail, it is 100 feet30,480 mm. In practical use, it is common to round the calculated metric number. With that, there are several possibilities.

Default rounding

By default, the conversion result will be rounded either to precision comparable to that of the input value (the number of digits after the decimal point—or the negative of the number of non-significant zeroes before the point—is increased by one if the conversion is a multiplication by a number between 0.02 and 0.2, remains the same if the factor is between 0.2 and 2, is decreased by 1 if it is between 2 and 20, and so on) or to two significant figures, whichever is more precise. An exception to this is rounding temperatures (see below).
Examples of rounding
Input Displays as Note
{{convert|123|ft|m|-1}} 123 feet (40 m)
{{convert|123|ft|m|0}} 123 feet (37 m)
{{convert|123|ft|m|1}} 123 feet (37.5 m)
{{convert|550|ft|m|0}} 550 feet (168 m) Approximate value is 167.64 m
{{convert|550|ft|m}} 550 feet (167.64 m) Rounds to 170, when approximate value is 167.64 m
{{convert|500|ft|m|0}} 500 feet (152 m) Approximate value is 152.4 m
{{convert|500|ft|m}} 500 feet (152.4 m) Rounds to 150, when approximate value is 152.4 m

Convert supports four types of rounding:

Round to a given precision: use |precision=

Specify the desired precision with the fourth unnamed parameter (or third unnamed parameter if the "convert to" parameter is omitted; or fifth unnamed parameter if a range is specified; or fourth unnamed parameter again if a range is specified and the "convert to" parameter is omitted; needs to be replaced with a "precision" named parameter). The conversion is rounded off to the nearest power of 1/10 this number. For instance, if the result is 8621 and the round number is "-2", the result will be 8600. If the result is "234.0283043" and the round number is "0", the result will be 234.

Round to a given number of significant figures: use |sigfig=

To specify the output number to be with n significant figures use |sigfig=<number>:

  • To compare: {{convert|1200|ft|m}} → 1,200 feet (365.76 m)
  • {{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=4}} → 1,200 feet (365.76 m)
  • {{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=3}} → 1,200 feet (365.76 m)
  • {{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=2}} → 1,200 feet (365.76 m)
  • {{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=1}} → 1,200 feet (365.76 m)

Setting |sigfig= is meaningless

  • {{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=0}} → 1,200 feet (365.76 m)

Round to a multiple of 5: 15, 20, 25, ...

Using |round=5 rounds the outcome to a multiple of 5.

{{convert|10|m|ft}} → 10 metres (32.808399 ft)
{{convert|10|m|ft|round=5}} → 10 metres (32.808399 ft)

Similar: using |round=25 rounds the outcome to a multiple of 25.

{{convert|10|m|ft}} → 10 metres (32.808399 ft)
{{convert|10|m|ft|round=25}} → 10 metres (32.808399 ft)
To compare: {{convert|10|m|ft|sigfig=4}} → 10 metres (32.808399 ft)

In a range, one can round each value individually to the default. Use |round=each:

{{convert|10 x 200 x 3000|m|ft}} → 10 x 200 x 3,000 metres (Expression error: Unrecognized word "x". ft)
{{convert|10 x 200 x 3000|m|ft|round=each}} → 10 x 200 x 3,000 metres (Expression error: Unrecognized word "x". ft)

Round to a multiple of a given fraction: 2 3/16 inch

Specify the desired denominator using |frac=<some positive integer>. (Denominator is the below-the-slash number, for example the 3 in 1/3).

{{convert|5.56|cm|in|frac=16}} → 5.56 centimetres (2.18897637572 in)
{{convert|8|cm|in|frac=4}} → 8 centimetres (3.149606296 in)

The fraction is reduced when possible:

{{convert|8|cm|in|frac=100}} → 8 centimetres (3.149606296 in)
{{convert|8|cm|in}} → 8 centimetres (3.149606296 in) (To compare)

Template:AnchorRounding the temperatures °C, °F and K

In temperatures, the conversion will be rounded either to precision comparable to that of the input value or to that which would give three significant figures when expressed in kelvins, whichever is more precise.

{{convert|10|C|F K}} → 10 °C (Expression error: Missing operand for *. )


For a temperature difference, like to convert "A rise of 20 °C", use |C-change=20 &tc.
{{convert|20|C-change|F-change K-change}} → A rise of 20  (Expression error: Missing operand for *. )
To compare: "A temperature of 20 °C" would yield: A temperature of 20 °C (Expression error: Missing operand for *. )

Into multiple units: 10 °C (Expression error: Missing operand for *. )

Separate the multiple output units by a space:

{{convert|10|C|F K}} → 10 °C (Expression error: Missing operand for *. )
{{convert|5|km|mi nmi}} → 5 kilometres (Expression error: Missing operand for *. )

Ranges of values

A range: 6 to 17 kg (13 to 37 lb)

Range indicators are entered as the second parameter (between the values). Range separators can be:
Template:Convert/doc/range separator list

Multiple dimensions: 6  (Expression error: Unexpected round operator. )

Use "by"
{{convert|6|by|12|ft|m}} → 6  (Expression error: Unexpected round operator. )
Use "×" or ""x""
{{convert|6|x|12|m|ft}} → 6  (Expression error: Unexpected round operator. )

In science, the formal way is to set |x| and |abbr=on (keeping dimensions right, like in area = x km2):

{{convert|6|x|12|m|ft|abbr=on}} → 6  (Expression error: Unexpected round operator. )

About feet, inch in ranges and multiples

While it is possible to enter feet, inch in a simple conversion, this is not possible for ranges:

  • {{convert|1|ft|3|in|mm}} → 1 foot (Expression error: Unexpected round operator. ) (to compare)
  • {{convert|1|ft|3|in|x|3|ft|5|in|mm}} → 1 foot (Expression error: Unexpected round operator. )


Spelling of unit name: UK metre or US meter?

Default spelling of units is en-UK. To show en-US spelling, use |sp=us:

{{convert|1|m|ft}} → 1 metre (3.2808399 ft) -- default
{{convert|1|m|ft|sp=us}} → 1 meter (3.2808399 ft)

Spell out numbers: ten miles

To write a number in words, use |spell=in:

{{convert|10|mi|m|spell=in}} → 10 miles (16,093.44 m)

To make first letter a capital, use |spell=In

{{convert|10|mi|m|spell=In}} → 10 miles (16,093.44 m)

Extra words: 4 planted acres

Incomplete section
{{convert|4|acre||adj=pre|planted}} → 4 acres (Expression error: Unexpected round operator. )

Extra adjective words: A 10 feetExpression error: Unexpected round operator. ft corridor

{{convert|4|ft|m|adj=mid|-long}} → 10 feet (Expression error: Unrecognized word "long". m)

Grammatical construction: The 18-, 24- and 32-pounder (8, 11 and 15 kg) cannons

"The American defenders had 18-, 24- and 32-pounder (8, 11 and 15 kg) cannons."

This formatted result is not possible straightforward by using {{convert}}. However, it can be made in three steps.

Step 1: Enter the input numbers and units in {{convert}} just to get the calculated output:
  • had {{convert|18 |, |24 |, |32 |lb |kg |0 }} cannons
→ had 18  (Expression error: Unexpected round operator. ) cannons
The core conversion should look good now. You can save this (or preview).
Step 2: We need the resulting text in plain code in the page, not as a {{convert}} template.
For this, add subst: to the template name (for 'substitute') :
  • had {{subst:convert|18 |, |24 |, |32 |lb |kg |0 }} cannons
As a check: the preview result should show the conversion correct, with the numbers still right.
Now save this.
→ had 18, 24, 32 pounds (8, 11, 15 kg) cannons
Step 3: When opening the edit screen again, you'll see that the text is there in code. The template {{convert}} itself has disappeared. You can change the text as needed. The edit screen text is:
had 18,&nbsp;24,&nbsp;32 pounds (8,&nbsp;11,&nbsp;15&nbsp;kg) cannons
You can edit this text to add the grammar:
  • had 18-,_24-_and_32-pounder (8,&nbsp;11_and_15&nbsp;kg) cannons
After saving your edit, it shows:
→ "had 18-, 24- and 32-pounder (8, 11 and 15 kg) cannons".


Using an SI prefix: gigameter (Gm), or micrometer (μm)

Units can have an SI prefix like G before the unit: Gm, and giga before the name: gigameter. These are plain multiplication factors.

To illustrate, these are trivial calculations (from meter to meter), showing the multiplication factor:

  • 12  (Expression error: Missing operand for *. m)
  • 12  (Expression error: Missing operand for *. m)

The prefix can be added before the SI unit (here: unit m for meter):

  • {{convert|12|Gm|mi|abbr=on}} → 12  (Expression error: Missing operand for *. mi)
  • Mm: 12  (Expression error: Missing operand for *. mi)
  • km: 12 km (39,370.0788 ft)
  • mm: 12 mm (0.4724409444 in)
  • μm: 12  (Expression error: Missing operand for *. mm)
  • um: 12  (Expression error: Missing operand for *. mm) (letter "u" can be used for "μ" here)

The prefix can be used in the output unit:

  • {{convert|12000|mi||Mm|abbr=on}} → 12,000 mi (Expression error: Missing operand for *. )
  • {{convert|12|in|μm|abbr=on}} → 12 in (Expression error: Missing operand for *. )

As an exception, the non-SI unit "inch" can have the "μ" prefix too)

  • {{convert|12|μm|μin|abbr=on}} → 12  (Expression error: Missing operand for *. )

Thousands separator: 1,000 mi and 1000 mi

In input, a comma for thousands separator is accepted. A gap (space) is not. In output, by default, the thousand separator is the comma:

  • {{convert|1,234,567|m|ft}} → 1,234,567 metres (Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character ",". ft)
  • {{convert|1,234,567|m|ft}} → 1,234,567 metres (Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character ",". ft)
  • {{convert|1 234 567|m|ft}} → 1 234 567 metres (Expression error: Unexpected number. ft)

Set |comma=off to remove the separator:

  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft|comma=off}} → 1,234,567 metres (4,050,416.6728233 ft)

Use |comma=gaps to set digit grouping by gap (<space>) in larger numbers (thousands separator):

  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft}} → 1,234,567 metres (4,050,416.6728233 ft) (To compare, default)
  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft|comma=gaps}} → 1,234,567 metres (4,050,416.6728233 ft)

Setting |comma=5 or |comma=gaps5 will only add the separator when the number of digits is 5 or more:

  • {{convert|1234|m|ft}} → 1,234 metres (4,048.5564366 ft) (To compare, default)
  • {{convert|1234|m|ft|comma=5}} → 1,234 metres (4,048.5564366 ft)
  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft|comma=5}} → 1,234,567 metres (4,050,416.6728233 ft)
  • {{convert|1234|m|ft|comma=gaps5}} → 1,234 metres (4,048.5564366 ft)
  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft|comma=gaps5}} → 1,234,567 metres (4,050,416.6728233 ft)

Output manipulation

Brackets and separators: 10 m [33 ft]

Punctuation that distinguishes the two measurements is set by |disp=.
Options are: b (the default), sqbr, comma, or, br, x|...:

{{convert|10|m|ft}} → 10 metres (32.808399 ft) -- ( ) brackets are the default
{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=sqbr}} → 10 metres32.808399 ft
{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=comma}} → 10 metres32.808399 ft
{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=or}} → 10 metres32.808399 ft

Setting |disp=br will force a new line (<br>)

{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=br}} → 10 metres32.808399 ft

Setting |disp=x|... allows any text as separator:

{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=x|_MyText_}} → 10 metresExpression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "_". ft -- (To display spaces, use &nbsp;)

Flipping (reordering) the two measurements: 1 mile (1,609.344 m)

Setting |order=flip will flip (swap) the two measurements:

{{convert|1|mi|m}} → 1 mile (1,609.344 m) (To compare, default)
{{convert|1|mi|m|order=flip}} → 1 mile (1,609.344 m)

When converting to multiple units, the effect is:

{{convert|10|km|mi nmi|order=flip}} → 10 kilometres (Expression error: Missing operand for *. )
{{convert|10|km|nmi mi|order=flip}} → 10 kilometres (Expression error: Missing operand for *. )

Displaying parts of the result: 2  (Expression error: Missing operand for *. )

It is possible to display only parts of the conversion result:

Convert Output Description
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3}} 2  (Expression error: Missing operand for *. ) Default, to compare
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|abbr=values}} 2  (Expression error: Missing operand for *. ) Input and output numbers
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=unit}} Expression error: Missing operand for *.  Input unit
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=unit|adj=on}} Expression error: Missing operand for *.  Input unit, adjective (hyphenated)
{{convert|2|cuyd|cuyd|0|disp=out|abbr=off}} Expression error: Unexpected round operator.  Input (workaround)
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=unit2}} Expression error: Missing operand for *.  Output unit (symbol)
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=unit2|abbr=off}} Expression error: Missing operand for *.  Output unit (name)
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=number}} Expression error: Missing operand for *.  Output value
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=out}} Expression error: Missing operand for *.  Output value and unit
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=out|abbr=off}} Expression error: Missing operand for *.  Output value and unit

Table options

For the wikitable structure, there are two options: split over columns and make the table sortable.

Show numbers only in columns in a table

Using {convert} in a table cell, with |disp=table splits the result over two columns:

{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=table}} → 10 metres32.808399 ft

|disp=tablecen does the same, and also centers the text:

{{convert|20|m|ft|disp=tablecen}} → 20 metres65.616798 ft

The units are added as a column header:

  m ft
|disp=table 10 metres32.808399 ft
|disp=tablecen 20 metres65.616798 ft
|disp=<other> (default) 30 metres (98.425197 ft)


Use both |disp=table |sortable=on to produce table columns (pipe symbols), with sortable table column. As of January 2013, only the first (lefthand) column will sort (improvements pending).
{{convert|10|m|ft|disp=table|sortable=on}} →

<templatestyles src="nowrap/core.css"/>10 metres32.808399 ft

This shows the hidden numerical sortkey:

align="right"|<span style="display:none">7001100000000000000</span>10 |align="right"|33

m ft
15+3/4 metres17.460629925 ft
15.5 metres50.85301845 ft
16.0 metres52.4934384 ft
16 metres52.4934384 ft

Parameter list

Template:Convert/doc/parameter list