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User:Jana Zvibleman

1,376 bytes added, 19:35, 16 January 2014
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JanaHello! ::[[File:B&JKayaking.jpg|thumbnail|Teaming up on the water]] I am thrilled to be on the Teampedia team. [[File:JanaZ.jpg|thumbnail|JZ]]  My work and play has included being on teams for university and nonprofit website development, Montessori education, communication strategy, fundraising for charitable causes, literary pursuits . . . and Calvinball![[File:Calvin and Hobbes playing Calvinball.png|thumbnail|Calvin and Hobbes playing Calvinball]] I interpret "team" broadly - my family, neighborhood, community, poets, artists, and various other identity groups are among my teams.  I's profile m always up for good ice-breakers and get-to-know-you activities. I enjoy doing art together, such as [[Drawing Fun]], and inventing creative writing collaborations. And I love the many activities people have created to help us appreciate our diversity. Service projects, I've found, build our teams as well as warm our hearts.  I prefer non-competitive games - for instance, I have a great time with the Teampedia activity [[Song Battle]], but without score-keeping. (I do make exceptions, such as for a rowdy Pictionary session, or Chinese Checkers, when I'm winning.)  The "de-briefing" component of Teampedia activities seems especially valuable to me - I like taking time to be addedmindful about what an activity can teach us about living and working together better.   - Jana Z |

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